Helping lawyers create happy and successful lives

My Story


For many years I was successfully climbing the ladder at a top-tier boutique law firm as an employment lawyer. I lived for my career, working long days and nights, always pressuring myself to succeed. To achieve the next goal. I was a perfectionist.

I lived for that next high of handling a high profile matter or landing a big client. Inside my internal narrative was that I wasn't good enough. As time went by I became more and more overloaded. I didn’t make time for my health, friends, or family.

Like many lawyers my career success came at the expense of everything else in my life – everything that actually made me happy.

After 7 years at a top law firm, a prestigious 30 Under 30 Award, and an offer of partnership, the universe (as it sometimes likes to do) sent me my crossroad moment: Take the offer of partnership or move to Silicon Valley, California.

I chose the latter.

6 years later, I live in the Bay Area and am so honored to be living my dream career as a lawyer coach helping busy, high-achieving lawyers become truly LIMITLESS in their careers and lives.

Let's get personal

My father passed away when I was 12 years old. He was only 42.

My father was an architect who deeply appreciated art and creation. I’ve inherited that appreciation for creation from him, and his untimely death taught me that life is too short to be unhappy.

Life is too short

That is my guidepost for how I live my life. Life is too short to be unfulfilled. To be unhappy. Each of us is smart, each of us is capable of living the life we want to live. Whatever circumstances come our way, we can handle them and manifest the life we want to live because we are capable of cultivating our own harmony and joy.

Why Silicon Valley?

Although my husband’s work initially brought me to Silicon Valley, I could not imagine a better place to be doing the work I do. Silicon Valley is the epicenter of innovation, which is fitting as I am from a place in the UK where the Industrial Revolution started.

In my mind, Silicon Valley is the birthplace of the tech and innovation revolution. It’s also the birthplace of a new age spiritual awakening. From the fusion of East meets West culture to the availability of crystals in Whole Foods. 😉

I bring this fervor for tech, agile systems, productivity platforms to my coaching. I believe that status quo breeds stagnation and innovation breeds invigoration. That is why I am so honored to be helping lawyers innovate their lives and achieve more holistic success – success in their careers AND in life in general. Because it’s all linked.

I regularly partner with law firms and in-house legal teams at Silicon Valley tech companies and also bring this innovative approach to my virtual work with lawyers around the world.

My Experience

Head of Employment Law

top tier law firm specializing in the Travel Sector (2007-14)

Keynote Speaker

multiple International Legal Conferences (2010-14)

30 Under 30 Award

Travel and Trade Gazette (2014)

Frequently featured in

Legal and Industry Press (2007-14)


Award-winning legal product for the law firm (2014)

Creative Agency Partner

Silicon Valley (2014-16)

Business Development & Marketing Consulting

Global clientele (2016-17)

Certified Professional Executive Coach (CPC)

Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC)

Energy Leadership Master Practitioner


NLP Certification

ETF/TFT Master Practitioner Certification

Meditation Practitioner Certification

Level 1 Certification